Women’s Balance Yoga

Description of yoga video

The natural rhythm of our body is a harmony that we should listen to with undivided attention. If we are mindful, we can balance it before it gets out of sync. This sequence is designed to help you reconnect to your inner self and reestablish your own feminine balance within.



Yogi Tea made this video to complement…

Women’s balance is the tea for everyone who wants to reward themselves with inner balance. The natural rhythm of our body is a harmony that we should listen to wholeheartedly. If we are mindful, we can carefully balance this rhythm before it gets out of sync. YOGI TEA® Women’s Balance is composed of raspberry leaves, lemon verbena and a pinch of cinnamon to help support your female cycle and keep you balanced.



Which yoga poses to expect in this video

  • lizard lunge
  • pigeon pose / Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
  • sphynx
  • reclined bound angle pose / Supta Baddha Konasana




This yoga sequence is suitable for all levels. 




Slowing down will help you listen to your own needs. Femininity has the qualities of being calm, grounded, soft and receptive. The elements of water and earth, which are linked to womankind, are stimulated throughout this practice and will align you with your inner most strength, as a woman.


Please ask your doctor if these exercises are suitable for you.